GRC Webinars

GLMM Webinar Series




Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

Against the backdrop of the transformations of GCC demographics and economies, as well as the socio-political and economic contexts of origin countries, the purpose of the webinar series is to assess and forecast future trends and patterns of labor and migration to the Gulf states. Taking stock of the multiplicity of labor and migration determinants, from individual agency to meso-level and structural factors, the workshop seeks to: (i) Highlight the determinants (from proximate to remote) of labor and migration dynamics and policies in the Gulf states; (ii) Evaluate the outcomes of labor and migration-related policies and measures in the Gulf states on future flows, in terms of number, structure, characteristics, and dynamics, and critically assess existing estimates; (iii) Analyze the perceptions of Gulf states’ institutional context and migratory environments by the origin countries and the way these impact emigration policies, processes, and decision-making in those countries; and (iv) Assess the outcomes of socio-political and economic changes in origin countries on the future migration to the Gulf. The webinars bring together researchers, policymakers, and data producers from the GCC, countries of origin, and elsewhere.


GCC Data for Evidence-Based Policymaking

Issues: Labor market, Labor policy, Economic reform, Migration policy, Demography, Statistics

Questions:  What are the recent innovations and improvements in the collection, processing, and dissemination of statistical data on labor, migration, and labor migration in GCC states? What are the progresses made in the use of statistical data for socio-economic and demographic policymaking? What are the persisting challenges and possible ways to overcome these challenges? What are the ways forward?

  • June 14, 2023, 2-3:30PM KSA
  • Ended

The Future of Labor Demand in the Gulf States: What Skills?

Issues: Labor market, Labor policy, Economic reform, Migration policy, Skilled labor, Megaprojects, Innovation, Future of migration
Questions: How has the labor market evolved since 2010 in Gulf states? What are the new skills on demand, currently and in the future, especially keeping in mind the objectives of the various Vision 2030/2035 plans? What does this mean in terms of demand for migrant workers, now and in the future?
  • November 27, 2023, 4-5:30PM KSA
  • Ended

Gulf-born, second and third generation foreign residents: a resource for Gulf states’ development process

Issues: Identity, Duration of Stay, Second Generation, Education, Migration policy, Labor policy, Future of migration
Questions: What is the socio-demographic and educational profile of Gulf-born, second and third generation foreign residents? What are their specific skills and competences? How could existing policies be adapted, in order to better?

  • January 17, 2023, 3:00 – 4:30 PM KSA
  • Ended

Emerging Trends in Sub-Saharan African Migration to the GCC

Migration from Africa has been a significant topic of scholarly interest for many decades, encompassing both intra-continental movements and migration to other parts of the world. Recent trends have demonstrated notable shifts in migration patterns, particularly the growing migration from Sub-Saharan Africa to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states. The GCC region appeals to many individuals seeking economic and personal advancement, as well as enhanced living standards. In this webinar, experts will explore several important questions concerning migration trends between Sub-Saharan Africa and the GCC region.

  • June 12, 2024, 1:00 – 2:30 PM KSA
  • Ended

GLMM and CGAPS Webinar: Aging in the Gulf Countries and Implications for Migration to the Region

Issues: This webinar will discuss the current and possible future implications of aging in the Gulf states on migrants and migration dynamics and policies. It will also examine how healthcare, labour and migration policies adjusted to socio-demographic changes, including the expansion of elderly, non-working resident foreign populations.

  • December 9, 2024, 2:00 – 3:30 PM KSA
  • Ended

GLMM, RPG, & KAS Webinar: Highly Skilled Migration to Saudi Arabia: Labour Policy Reforms and the Global Competition for Talents

Issues: The webinar will reflect on the major reforms in Saudi Arabia’s labour and migration policies over the last decade and assess the outcomes of these changes on future prospects for increased highly skilled migration to the Kingdom. A comparative insight with the UAE will be proposed.

  • January 22, 2025, 2:00 – 3:30 PM KSA
  • Ended